Let’s Celebrate with BRAvo

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month, a fun-filled evening event called BRAvo has been planned for Wednesday, October 12, 2011. BRAvo will feature a live auction of celebrity autographed bras and a display of winning bras from a decorating challenge held this past  Summer.  

The BRAvo decorating challenge was created to allow individuals to show their creativity in support of breast cancer survivors and community education behind the deadly disease.

Bravo Night will be hosted by WNIC and Fox 2 Detroit’s Jay Towers and will take place on Wednesday, October 12, 2011, from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. The evening will include hors d’oeuvres, BRAtini bar, and cocktails.  The event will celebrate 35 celebrity-autographed bras during both the live and silent auctions. Celebrities who autographed bras for this special event include; Kid Rock, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Kim Kardashian, Eva Longoria, Lady Antebellum, Keith Urban, and more.

Proceeds from BRAvo will benefit the Mount Clemen’s Regional Ted B. Wahby Cancer Center to provide assistance and care for women in the community. A portion of the proceeds will assist in providing free screening mammograms. The Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center and the Ted B. Wahby Cancer Center are hosting this event in hopes that BRAvo will help the increase of breast cancer awareness.

BRAvo will take place at Mirage located at 16980, Clinton Twp, Mi. Tickets are $35. To purchase tickets call 586-741-4330. Visit for more detailed info.

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Shannon Lazovski is known to be Michigan’s first professional fashion blogger with two decades of professional blogging and influencer experience representing and creating content for brands in the fashion, beauty, and luxury travel sectors. Shannon is also the Founder and Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor of Detroit Fashion News and the Owner & Senior Editor of the parenting blog Detroit Mommies. Shannon is also known for her local philanthropic efforts and enjoys serving the community via her nonprofit organization, Glamorous Moms Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization focusing on helping women, children, and families in need. In 2019, Shannon launched her professional-grade lipstick line, Glameselle Beauty, a vegan, cruelty-free lip brand that offers lip products named after Michigan women who inspire. Shannon has been seen on Fox 2 Detroit, WXYZ-TV Channel 7, CBS Detroit, TV20 Detroit, WDIV Local 4 Detroit, IGTV, and seen in Styleline Magazine, Metro Parent Magazine, Dedicated Magazine, Downtown Magazine, Greater Rochester Living and numerous local blogs and online publications.

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