DIY: Create Your Own Body Butter

DIY: Create Your Own Body Butter

Now that the cooler weather is here your skin needs more protection from the elements.

You want to make sure that when moisturizing your body you use a lotion, natural oil or body butter that helps combat dry skin. I have dry skin and I make my own body butter using shea butter, coconut oil and a scented essential oils.

Making your own body butter is very easy and your smooth soft skin will love it. My body butter recipe leaves your skin feeling kissed by moisture without feeling overly oily.

Interested in making your own? You’ll want to use raw/unrefined shea butter which you can purchase at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or your local health food store. Coconut Oil you can purchase at Walmart, Meijer or a health food store.

Body Butter Recipe (Makes about 6 oz.)

• 1 TBSP shea butter
• 1 TBSP coconut oil
• 1/4 tsp essential oil

Melt the shea butter and coconut oil on low on the stove. I use a double boiler. Add the shea butter in first, then add the coconut oil. After the shea butter and coconut oil melt, remove from heat, and add your essential oil of choice. I like my butter highly scented so I add a little extra.

Now, transfer the mixture to the fridge for 5-10 minutes. You want it to start getting more opaque and soft to the touch, but not a solid mass. You want it to thicken so you can whip it.

The last step is simply whip the butters on high with a hand mixer, until it forms stiff peaks, gets pretty fluffy, and doubles in volume.

Put the butter in a glass or plastic jar and enjoy!

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Shannon Lazovski is known to be Michigan’s first professional fashion blogger with two decades of professional blogging and influencer experience representing and creating content for brands in the fashion, beauty, and luxury travel sectors. Shannon is also the Founder and Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor of Detroit Fashion News and the Owner & Senior Editor of the parenting blog Detroit Mommies. Shannon is also known for her local philanthropic efforts and enjoys serving the community via her nonprofit organization, Glamorous Moms Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization focusing on helping women, children, and families in need. In 2019, Shannon launched her professional-grade lipstick line, Glameselle Beauty, a vegan, cruelty-free lip brand that offers lip products named after Michigan women who inspire. Shannon has been seen on Fox 2 Detroit, WXYZ-TV Channel 7, CBS Detroit, TV20 Detroit, WDIV Local 4 Detroit, IGTV, and seen in Styleline Magazine, Metro Parent Magazine, Dedicated Magazine, Downtown Magazine, Greater Rochester Living and numerous local blogs and online publications.