Lifestyle blogger Shannon Lazovski at  FashionSpeak 2018 hosted by Detroit Garment Group.

FashionSpeak 2018 Presented by Detroit Garment Group and Taubman Celebrates Six Years in Detroit

FashionSpeak, Michigan’s largest fashion conference, is a one-day conference presented by Detroit Garment Group and Taubman that focuses on fashion and the business of fashion for those who are eager to network and grow their business to the next level. After six years, I haven’t missed one yet and enjoy networking with the Detroit Fashion Community.

Dress: Old – BCBG // Shoes: Louis Vuitton // Kimono: Johnny Was

FashionSpeak 2018 took place Thursday, October 18, 2018, at One Woodward, downtown Detroit. This year’s speakers were Tommey Walker Jr. of Detroit vs. Everybody, Laurie Tennent, Elizabeth Mays, Sara Searing, Linda Schlesinger-Wagner, Aki Choklat, Chair of the Fashion Accessories Design Department at the College for Creative Studies, and Phoenix Mellow, costume designer for Detroiters.

Detroit Garment Group’s conference mission is “Keep Michigan Talent in Michigan”. The Board consists of Karen Buscemi, Lians Jaden, Lisa Benedict, Carlotta Tutt Holloway, Jonathan Martone, MarCy Cyburt, Achea Gist, Linda Schlesinger-Wagner and Max Schmidt.

Lifestyle blogger Shannon Lazovski attends FashionSpeak 2018 mentoring new bloggers.

The group’s focus is to provide both students and industry professionals the tools and educational resources to be successful business owners. This idea is to help grow more jobs and stronger fashion industry in Michigan. Detroit Garment Group was founded by Karen Buscemi in 2012. The group hosts FashionSpeak, a one-day fashion conference; Verge, a trade show connecting fashion brands with buyers to grow Michigan’s fashion community, and currently, they are in the process of creating Michigan’s first garment district. 

Lifestyle blogger Shannon Lazovski and fashion designer Cheryl Zemke attend FashionSpeak2018.

Each year, fashion bloggers and designers come together for this event and it’s always fun to network and catch up. My team from Detroit Fashion News gathers to network, interview keynote speakers, and to cover the “Best Dressed” in the crowd. I’ve always enjoyed this conference and have supported the event for all six years. How could I not?! We feel so at home with this community. It was a pleasure to represent DFN and sponsor the event for 2018 along with other local businesses. Detroit Garment Group is a group that continues to support and grow our fashion brands and professionals and we in return will always support them. Click here to follow DGG and to learn more about their efforts and upcoming events.

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Shannon Lazovski is known to be Michigan’s first professional fashion blogger with two decades of professional blogging and influencer experience representing and creating content for brands in the fashion, beauty, and luxury travel sectors. Shannon is also the Founder and Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor of Detroit Fashion News and the Owner & Senior Editor of the parenting blog Detroit Mommies. Shannon is also known for her local philanthropic efforts and enjoys serving the community via her nonprofit organization, Glamorous Moms Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization focusing on helping women, children, and families in need. In 2019, Shannon launched her professional-grade lipstick line, Glameselle Beauty, a vegan, cruelty-free lip brand that offers lip products named after Michigan women who inspire. Shannon has been seen on Fox 2 Detroit, WXYZ-TV Channel 7, CBS Detroit, TV20 Detroit, WDIV Local 4 Detroit, IGTV, and seen in Styleline Magazine, Metro Parent Magazine, Dedicated Magazine, Downtown Magazine, Greater Rochester Living and numerous local blogs and online publications.

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