Do You Journal? Introducing MYnd Map MY Journal by Kickstarter
So you’re stuck at home in the middle of a pandemic, and finding creative ways to keep a positive mindset is starting to get tricky, am I right? I know what you mean, especially after social distancing and our state of Michigan being on “lockdown” for eight weeks. Entertaining ourselves and finding creative ways to make use of our time is also starting to get challenging for all of us.
Well, how about journaling? Have you tried it yet? If you’re feeling “stuck” and are unsure on what to change in life to make yourself happier, write down thoughts, dreams and ideas that can help you reach your goals. Logging and taking note of experiences can help too! The pandemic will pass soon and our “new normal” will allow us to go back out into the world and conquer all the things we’ve been dreaming of. So why not be ready?
As you look around you, you may see great home decor, expensive shoes, nice clothes, nice furniture, and a nice new car in the garage. But are these the things that make you happy?
None of the physical items will ever truly make you happy. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. You have to look from within to find your truth. Journaling can help you organize your thoughts, needs, and motivations. What drives you to success? What drives you to smile each day and be grateful? Where do you want to go in life? If you’re unsure, keeping a journal and writing down your goals can help you answer these questions. Identifying what is holding you back and identifying what you want to achieve in life are two things we must always be mindful of.
That’s what MYnd Map MY Journal is all about; helping to change and readjusting our mind-set, for the better. MYnd Map MY Journal focuses on six key themes to assist you in reaching your goals:
- Family and Relationships
- Business and Profession
- Money and Finance
- Personal and Spiritual
- Celebration and Contribution
- Body and Health
Give it a try for 3 months and let me know how it’s going with a comment below. I’d love to hear from you. Best wishes to you in achieving your goals. The time is now! Do it for yourself.