Inspiring Mothers to Flourish Through Mentorship, Faith & Lifestyle Guidance

5 Steps to Improve Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Life is filled with ups and downs and challenges. Sometimes we can feel on top of the world with no worry in the world and other times certain challenges in life can make us feel defeated and down.

It’s important to make sure we take care of ourselves including taking care of our mental health and wellbeing. Try these steps below to help you have a more positive outlook and to get the most out of life.

  1. Connect with Friends & Colleagues – Connecting with others will help your self esteem, help you feel better connected, and will allow you to strengthen relationships. When you have strong relationships with people you feel comfortable with, you’ll enjoy visiting more and will have a chance to share your own stories and positive experiences.
  2. Exercise or Play a Sport – Obviously, we all know exercising is good for our physical and mental health. But exercising and/or playing a sport allows for chemical changes in the brain which puts you in a better mood. You also have the ability to gain new friends and acquaintances whether at the gym or on the golf course.
  3. Give to Others – Giving to others not only helps them but also makes you feel good too! Giving back to individuals in need or just a friend that could use some support, allows you to feel good about yourself and acknowledge your self-worth. Having a purpose will also motivate you to do more and keep going.
  4. Try Something New – There are times where our everyday schedules can get a little boring. Doing the same thing every day for a long period of time can bring us a little down. If this is happening to you, my advice is to try something new! Learning a new sport, activity, craft or hobby will give you something to look forward to and will spice up your day. Trying something new will give you purpose and will allow you to meet new friends.
  5. Be Aware – Always be aware of how you are feeling. Be aware of how others make you feel and how certain situations make you feel. It may be time to remove reoccurring situations or toxic people from your life. If you are stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and delegate if you can. Be sure to give yourself plenty of rest and “me” time during times of stress and/or illness. Don’t push yourself too hard.

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